Sunday, May 20, 2012


I did this drawing for a Stinkers decal. The theme of the pack is gang symbols.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Don't Blob the Oath

I'm working on The Blobby Boys #2, so I can't post very much.

Anyway, there's a Blobby Boys drawing contest on my Tumblr, here. YOU should send me a drawing!

P.S. Alec Barry Reviews The Blobby Boys #1 here.

P.P.S. VICE covered John Malta's Universal Slime. I've got a story in this, so check it out!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Koyama Press will be selling The Blobby Boys at their booth during TCAF, this Saturday and Sunday. They will also have copies of Wowee Zonk #4 . I've got a story in it, so check it out.

If you don't live in Toronto, try these places:

Bergen Street Comics (Brooklyn)
Dr. Comics and Mr. Games (Oakland)
Fat Bottom Books (Barcelona)
Forbidden Planet (NYC)
Good Press Gallery (Glasgow)
Jim Hanley’s Universe (NYC)
Quimby’s (Chicago)
Secret Headquarters (LA)
Spit and a Half
Traders of Babylon (Hoboken)
Unseen Press (Hawaii)

Also, the Blobby Boys toys are out in the world:

I don't have any of these left, but you can buy them here:

Radical Fortress
Space Face
Joseph Harmon